Thursday, November 10, 2016


Some Desert Adjectives
Desert: harsh, dry, arid, sparse, severe, hot
Rock: sharp, rough, jagged, angular
Grasses: windblown, bent, dry, pale green, brown
Sand: coarse, fine, glittering, shifting, rippling, sifting, white, golden
Sky: pale, intense, cloudless, azure, purple, crimson
Cactus: tall, short, squatty, spiny, prickly, thorny
Date palm: tall, bent, leather (leaves), frayed (leaves)
Some City Adjectives
City: active, bustling, noisy, busy, clean, dirty, windy
Traffic: loud, congested, snarled
Buildings: old, shabby, rundown, crumbling,  modern, futuristic, sleek, towering, squat
Buildings (walls): brick, stone, marble, glass, steel, graffiti-covered
Monuments, statues: stone, copper, carved, ancient, moss-covered, faded, green, bronze
Sidewalk: concrete, cement, slick, cracked, tidy, littered, swept
Paint: fresh, weathered, peeling
Signs: neon, weathered, worn, bright, welcoming, flashing
Buses, cars, taxis: belching, crawling, speeding, honking, waiting, screeching
People: hurried, bundled, smiling, frowning, eager, rushed

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Time Sweepers

Text online:

The Time-Sweepers are people who sweep wasted time. They cannot be seen but sometimes can be noticed at the edge of your eyes. This is a story confessing how much amount of time we waste in our daily hours. What we do, what we think of, unnecessary waste of time for example, a man wastes too much time and took too long to propose, a woman spent 35 meaningless years in an estate agent reaming, one day opening a florist. With those wasted time. The Time-Sweeper recycles the waste and sells it to people who needed it, use it for good or buy it for emergencies. Some might be poisonous so they are stored underground in a unused army base.  This story basically talks about the world's social and political problems. I think that this story affects my life now that i know wasting my time isn't doing any good.

I enjoyed this story, it really pointed out some ways that time is wasted that we just don’t think about. We are rushing our lives by, time is flying and we can never get it back. We go into work on Monday’s and immediately started counting the hours till Friday not thinking that when Friday gets here we just rush another week of our lives by. We have aged another five days, what we have said or done is over and gone. We need to make every minute count. Today is all we have – make the best of it.